
Monero (XMR) is a secure, private, untraceable currency. It is open-source and freely available to all. With Monero, you are your own bank. Only you control and are responsible for your funds; your accounts and transactions are kept private from prying eyes.

Monero price usd candlestick chart.

[currencygraph currency1=xmr currency2="usd"]

Monero price btc candlestick chart.

[currencygraph currency1=xmr currency2="btc"]

Here is the current Monero price. You can check anytime how much exactly 1 XMR is worth in many currencies: USD, EUR, BTC, GBP, JPY, etc. Refresh the page to check the price again.

Exchange from XMR to all other coin:

xmr =
*Indicative data

[currencyprice currency1=xmr currency2="usd,eur,jpy,gbp,chf,aud,cad,bgn,php,idr"]
Data by CryptoCompare API